Devlog 1


Good news--I finished the first iteration of my current Twine project! The basic story concept and rooms are all there, as well as hints of the mechanics I want to implement. Now I can focus on expanding what's already there. My main concerns are building in some features like alternate room descriptions and a bit of css work--layout and formatting of the text. I don't want my players to be stuck with Default Twine. And of course, editing and adding to the story.
It may not sound like much to some people, but finishing even the first iteration of a project is something I've been struggling with for a while. Part of my motivation came from the fact that I have a public place to talk about my progress... even if no one else ever reads it. Just the fact that someone might has been enough to help me push through the fog of 'meh' that so often keeps me from finishing things. I didn't know that about myself before, so this project has already been worth it even if nothing else comes of it.
Thanks for reading my ramblings, if indeed you are someone other than myself. Hope to see you next time!