Project Cozy: Devlog 1


I've been planning a new game recently, a bit of a depature from my previous project: a 2d mystery game. Arguably my first effort was also a mystery, but this new project will be more "mainstream" in several ways, not least of which is the inclusion of graphics.
The added complexity is daunting. Art, music, sound effects, code... Even if I remove some of the burden from myself by using premade assets, I'm still faced with the challenge of building all of the game's behaviors essentially from scratch. My engine of choice is Godot. I toyed with the idea of using RPG Maker, but the entire point of this project is to build a set of skills I can use in a team setting; the pool of potential collaborators is simply larger if I can learn a general engine.
Most of my current anxiety stems from the (perceived?) complexity of character animations. Setting them up, telling the engine when to play which ones, cutscenes. Once I learn how to do it, maybe I'll look back and laugh at how overwhelmed I was. For now I can only hope someone much smarter than me has provided a detailed tutorial on YouTube.
For anyone interested, the basic premise is essentially just a cozy mystery in game form: the player's character bought a house in a sleepy small town for cheap, and through local gossip discovers that everyone believes the previous homeowner murdered his wife.
If you've made it this far, thanks for listening. I hope to be back soon with another update on my progress. See you then!